Reflections of a Nursery: Mirrors for Baby

Babies simply love the visual stimulation of images reflected in a mirror. Whether the mirror is hung on the wall or is part of a crib accessory, babies can amuse themselves for hours by watching their own reflection. Of course, safety is of paramount importance when choosing a decorating accessory for the nursery. Fortunately, there are unbreakable mirrors on the market that can be a perfect choice when decorating your baby's room.

Crib Mobiles

The Importance of Safety When Choosing a Nursery Mirror

Crib Mobiles

When choosing a mirror for the baby's nursery, always make sure to choose one that is unbreakable. This is a good safety practice to follow, even if the mirror is firmly attached to the wall. After all, a standard mirror can shatter, creating dangerous glass shards. It's better to be safe than sorry by choosing a mirror that will not break, even if it is accidentally bumped. Fortunately, there are many styles of unbreakable mirrors available, making it easy to choose one that is perfect for your baby's nursery. Unbreakable mirrors such as those made from acrylic are just as reflective as a glass mirror, while being much safer.

Choosing Mirror Accessories for the Nursery

You'll find plenty of mirrored nursery accessories to choose from when decorating your baby's nursery. In fact, some cribs even have unbreakable mirrors built right into the headboard or footboard, which can provide a lot of amusement for a baby. There are also crib activity boards that can be suspended from the inside of the crib railing that include mirrored accessories. A crib mobile with unbreakable reflective pieces can also be a lot of fun when suspended over the crib. Even a simple wall mirror can work effectively in the nursery. In addition to creating a fun reflective surface for the baby's amusement, a mirror will also add light to the room. Wall mirrors can also make a room look larger than it really is, visually enhancing the nursery's size.

Fun Mirrored Toys

In addition to decorative room accessories, you'll also find baby toys that incorporate unbreakable mirrors and reflective surfaces into their overall design. Babies simply love playing with these toys, since they can see their own reflection in them. Their reflective qualities can make these toys more interactive and fascinating.

Create a Fun Play Space with Mirrors

Large unbreakable mirrors can be hung on the nursery walls to create a fascinating play space for any baby. Hang the mirrors low enough so that they can be seen even when crawling around on the floor. A full-length mirror mounted on the front or back of the nursery door can also be a great addition to the room. However, always make sure any door or wall mirrors are unbreakable and securely fastened to the wall to avoid potential accidents. Toddlers can also have a lot of fun with a large wall or door mirror, since vinyl window decals can be used on them to create additional visual interest. However, if your child has a tendency to put objects in their mouth, be sure to keep all decorations at a safe height.

Reflections of a Nursery: Mirrors for Baby
Crib Mobiles

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