Musical Mobiles for a Baby Nursery: Picking the Perfect Mobile

One of the items that is a necessity when putting together a nursery is a nursery mobile. Having a nursery with no mobile is like a pizza that doesn't have any cheese on it. Now that just wouldn't make any sense. Musical mobiles have been around for a long time. I can even remember mine when I was a kid -an airplane mobile. I got some of the best sleep of my life with that mobile. You might be thinking where to go about looking for one. That's where I come into the picture. Here are a few things to look at when trying to purchase a nursery mobile for your nursery.

Crib Mobiles

You want your child to be excited with their musical mobile. Try to choose one that you think will grab their attention. Colors are a good place to start. I think blue, green, yellow, and red are vibrant enough to keep your little one's eyes glued to it. Another exciting factor for the mobile will be what it is. Maybe your child will be more excited with a sports mobile than a jungle themed one. You can look for mobiles with fun shapes or ones that have airplanes flying around all night long. And don't worry, there's nothing wrong if you are just as excited while searching for one.

Crib Mobiles

Well since this is a musical mobile, I would say the music aspect of it is pretty important. The sound of whats going to put your child to sleep for the next ten years(okay, maybe not that long) should be soothing and relaxing. And don't forget that this music is essential to the development and improvement of your baby's hearing. Now I would say that is pretty important. Just because you are an adult doesn't mean you can't tell the difference between soothing music and music that is too loud. Try to listen to a few mobiles before making a decision.

Theme is another factor when determining a mobile to go with. Chances are that before you even start looking at mobiles that you already have a specific theme chosen for the nursery. So keep an eye out for a mobile that complements your theme. There are matching mobiles with most themes so you don't have to look to far.

These were just a few factors in choosing a mobile. I hope I have at least helped a little in your thinking process on this topic. In the end, you get to make the choice, but remember me saying that I'm a big fan of the airplane mobile. So my final advice is to try and find a mobile with a combination of factors instead of buying one with just one reason. I think that will be your best bet. Good luck.

Musical Mobiles for a Baby Nursery: Picking the Perfect Mobile
Crib Mobiles

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