Ideas For a Baby Crib Toy

There is an upcoming event that everyone's been waiting for, and there is another addition to your family that you are all excited about. Whether this will be your first-born or your second or your third, this soon-to-be baby is a blessing. He or she is unique and special. And so with much accordance, you want things to be just perfect in welcoming your most precious little one.

Crib Mobiles

In doing so, you should be able to paint his or her nursery room with colors so vibrant that will surely excite the senses of your child. On the walls, you can put cute sticky labels or signage markers. Moreover, you should be able to create a ceiling that will surely enhance your child's mental development. All over the room the toys should be fun, colorful, but educational.

Crib Mobiles

You should keep in mind your baby's safety and comfort in playing while lying down or crawling in his or her crib. Most likely, you will opt to purchase the best baby crib that will fit your budget. In addition, the baby crib that you will buy should first and foremost have the right baby crib toy which will serve as the first non-living, fun but educational thing that your child will interact and play with. With various baby crib toys already up in our world today, we have some of the few common examples which are the baby mobile and the toy bar.

Baby Mobile

One of the very common and well-known baby crib toys is the baby mobile. It is structurally attached by a bracket at the side or at the end part of the crib. It is strategically positioned just on top of the upper half of the baby's body so he or she can interact with it both with her hands and her head as well as appreciate the toy's features such as colors and sub-elements.

Aside from the main features of the baby crib toy that dangles from the bracket support, it can also extend its playful elements. One particular example would be a carousel as the main thematic object and having various animals dangle under it.

More often than not, the construction and manufacture of the baby crib toy is done with a rotational ability on its own which allows a circular movement of the baby mobile above the baby. Aside from its main technical elements, it is made to function as an enjoyable toy for the baby. Additionally, it may come in with baby sounds that will definitely add more enjoyment and development for the baby's senses.

There are many advantages of this type of baby toy. Firstly, it excites and opens the baby's senses. It stimulates the eyesight of the child which results in a beneficial advantage of having a more focused exercise for the eye accomplished through looking at the brightness and colors of the whole toy. And when equipped with sound, the hearing sense is also stimulated. Not only that, but an exercise of locating the object or the toy is also created. Furthermore, this baby crib toy also serves as an extension of the total thematic design of the nursery room.

On the other hand, parents and guardians should make sure that the baby mobile has been installed properly to the end part of the crib. Also, the total height of the toy should also be considered. It should be just above the baby, enough for him or her to play and interact with the toy. In addition to all these, the placement of the mobile should also be checked that it should not be shifted down towards the baby.

Toy Bars

Aside from the 1st baby crib toy that we mentioned there is also another one, which is also common amongst the baby toys around. Toys that can be attached to the baby crib, toy bars are another type. It spans across the crib's length and is attached to both sides by using a guardrail. It enables the baby to touch it and interact with it.

More often than not, this baby crib toy is multi-color and interactive. The colors as well as the elements included in the toy bar provide a good hand and eye coordination exercise for the baby. The elements included can either be a spinning device, a clicking device, or a reflective surface. These features are uniquely designed and well-thought of for the over-all development and enhancement of the infant.

Ideas For a Baby Crib Toy
Crib Mobiles

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